<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/5eb9c277-f717-42f9-8688-61ba906fa7e5/e76b9e9c-76bd-4bc7-8404-430a15331b04/DALLE_2024-07-07_18.11.58_-_A_highly_polished_and_stylish_logo_with_a_pure_white_background_featuring_a_modern_elegant_writing_pen_similar_to_a_Mont_Blanc_pen._The_design_should.webp" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/5eb9c277-f717-42f9-8688-61ba906fa7e5/e76b9e9c-76bd-4bc7-8404-430a15331b04/DALLE_2024-07-07_18.11.58_-_A_highly_polished_and_stylish_logo_with_a_pure_white_background_featuring_a_modern_elegant_writing_pen_similar_to_a_Mont_Blanc_pen._The_design_should.webp" width="40px" /> hey there! copy the text below word for word, set a timer for 15 minutes, and just focus on the act of writing without overthinking it – it’s like a mini writing workout!


<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/5eb9c277-f717-42f9-8688-61ba906fa7e5/d65754c0-e415-4cd1-8bcb-600e8df890ed/DALLE_2024-07-07_18.11.58_-_A_highly_polished_and_stylish_logo_with_a_pure_white_background_featuring_a_modern_elegant_writing_pen_similar_to_a_Mont_Blanc_pen._The_design_should.webp" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/5eb9c277-f717-42f9-8688-61ba906fa7e5/d65754c0-e415-4cd1-8bcb-600e8df890ed/DALLE_2024-07-07_18.11.58_-_A_highly_polished_and_stylish_logo_with_a_pure_white_background_featuring_a_modern_elegant_writing_pen_similar_to_a_Mont_Blanc_pen._The_design_should.webp" width="40px" /> Did we miss something? Can't find what you're looking for or looking for a great copy writer? Send us a note at [email protected]


The Boron Letters

Chapter 1

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Written and Published by:

Gary C. Halbert t Cherrywood Publishing

3101 S.W. 34th Ave. #905-467 t Ocala, FL34474

Phone:  (305) 534-7577

© 2005 Gary C. Halbert

Tuesday, 5:41 p.m.

June 12, 1984

Dear Bond,

This letter is going to be the first in a long series of letters in which I will attempt to communicate to you a lot of the important things I have learned in the last 46 years.

I am going to try to teach you what I have learned about selling by mail, getting and staying healthy, how to get along with people, and, in general, how to have a good life without getting yourself all screwed up. There will also be stuff about sex, drugs and rock and roll! I'm going to try to write to you every day of the week (except Sunday) and spend about one hour on each letter. That way, by the time I get out of here we should have covered a lot of ground.

Also, I intend to reread these letters myself after I am finished and use them as source material for a book I have wanted to write for a long time. The book, unless I come up with a better title, will be called:

How To Be Your Own Messiah

These letters will ramble around somewhat. I'm going to try to keep the flow going so I am not going to slow down to edit these letters and, therefore, don't expect them to be as precisely written as my ads and other writings.

Anyway, let's get started. As you know, today is my birthday and, strange as it may seem, it hasn't been a bad one under the circumstances. For one thing I got your birthday letter and the cards your Mom sent me and, for another, today is the first day I was able to run "the hill" non-stop. Being able to do that really made me feel good. The hill is a real son of a gun. It is very steep and, by my calculations, it is about 8/10 of a mile. I went around the hill 5 times for a total of 4 miles and, as I said, on one of those circuits (the third one), I did it running (actually it was more of a slow jog) non-stop.

You know what? When I came in here, just three weeks ago, it was hard for me just to walk once around that darn hill. And, before I am finished, I'll bet you I can run around that hill ten times (8 miles) without stopping.